The First Military Memorial of National Significance

21st Anniversary Service


20th Anniversary Service


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

With these few words, from the poem “For the Fallen” by the English poet and writer Laurence Binyon, we welcome you to the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial. This Unique Memorial was opened on the 6th February 2004 to recognize and remember those Australians who became Prisoners of War during the Wars of the 20th Century.
The Memorial symbolizes that all Australian prisoners embarked to serve away from their homeland and acknowledges the hardship, deprivation, brutality, starvation and disease endured by Prisoners of War during their capture and the scars many continued to endure upon their repatriation to Australia.
In these magnificent Botanical Gardens the Memorial is a place of quiet reflection and a place to remember loved ones and to mourn those 8,600 Prisoners of War who died in captivity and remain buried on foreign shores.

What is a Prisoner of War?

The Trustees of the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial have defined a Prisoner of War to be a person who was captured by a common enemy and/or interned in a neutral or non-combatant country.

To be defined an Australian Prisoner of War, the person needs to be either an Australian Born person serving in the Uniform of an Australian Service; or in the Uniform of a friendly country, or Born Elsewhere and serving in the Uniform of an Australian Service.

A Prisoner is a person who has lost personal privileges, suffers deprivation of liberty or is unable to return home or dies in captivity.


The Trustees of The Australian Ex-Prisoners of War advise that the information within these WEB Pages, is to the best of their knowledge correct.

We understand that errors will exist within actual records and in some cases during the transcription process. Should you become aware of Prisoners of War names that do not appear on the Memorial or you believe that errors exist within the current records; please contact the Trustees.

This site contains names, information and images of deceased people; and, language which may be considered inappropriate today.

Opened on 6th February 2004

The Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial was opened on 6 February 2004 by General Peter Cosgrove AM, MC and was witnessed by over 11,000 people.

More at the Memorial

Education Resources

Resources for Teachers & Students and Amateur Researchers.

Ceremonies and important notices

Keep up with upcoming events and notices posted.

Acknowledgements and awards

View the board of trustees and the Memorial’s compliments and honours.