Ceremonies / Important Notices

Important Notices

Remembrance Day and or ANZAC Day Public Event Registration.

View COVIDSafe public event registration form


In view of the social distancing and other restrictions now in place, The Trustees suggest that all visitors to the Memorial practice ‘Social Distancing’ while at the Memorial & Gardens Precinct.
Further, The Trustees advise that services at the Australian Ex-POW Memorial may be cancelled due to COVID restrictions without notice.

Memorial Maintenance Works   

Minor maintenance work on the Memorial happens regularly. Sometimes, these repairs can affect your visit to the Memorial. The Trustees apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Names of POW’s

The Trustees conduct Research into the status of Australian Prisoners of War throughout the year. These newly discovered names of Prisoners of War are engraved annually onto the Memorial Wall in early December. Should you wish to add a name or include information please Contact Us.

Dedication and Anniversary Events

 The Annual Anniversary Service is held on the 2nd Sunday in February commencing at 11am Wreath & Book Laying registration for a 11.30am start, and the General Public is welcome;
  • 2022-13th February (18th Anniversary) Click Here

19th Anniversary Service

  • 2023-13th February 

20th Anniversary Service

  • 2024-11th February 

  • 2026-8th February (22nd Anniversary)
  • 2027-14th February (23rd Anniversary)

  • 2028-13th February (24th Anniversary)

  • 2029-11th February (25th Anniversary) Opening of Time Capsule buried in 2004


ANZAC Day 25th April

A Wreath Laying Service is conducted at the Memorial each ANZAC Day at 9am prior to the main ANZAC Day Service at the Ballarat Cenotaph

Remembrance Day 11th November

A Wreath Laying Service is conducted at the Memorial each Remembrance Day at 11.45am following the main Remembrance Day Service at the Ballarat Cenotaph.


The Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial flies 5-Flags, these are The Australian National Flag (ANF), Royal Australian Navy Ensign, The Royal Australian Air Force Ensign, The Australian Red Ensign representing the Merchant Navy; these Flags are located in the main forecourt of the Memorial and fly left to right looking North. The National Prisoners’ of War Flag is flown at the start of the Memorial. 
The Trustees follow strict Commonwealth Flag Protocol at all times…Written Authorities are held from Chief of Navy & the Chief of Air Force to fly the Navy & Air Force Ensigns and as all flags fly 24/7, they are illuminated at night.
All flags are replaced at least twice a year or as needed and are destroyed with dignity & respect and in private.

Other Ceremonies

Other service organizations are encouraged to utilize the Memorial for your Ceremony or Service. Please contact the Trustees or the City of Ballarat to arrange and discuss your requirements.


If you or your group would like a guided tour of the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial please email the Trustees (under Contacts) your details, itinerary and number of people attending and we will endeavour to give you and your group an experience of the designers “Stone Garden Journey”. With over 36,400 names listed on the Memorial there are over 36,400 stories waiting to be told.