TAYLOR, Albert William 269 21st Btn Private Germans Interned Munster/Wahn/Limburg/Parchim-repatriated Hull 4/1/1919
TAYLOR, Arthur 3304 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen/Schneidemuhl-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918
TAYLOR, Hurbert Morsan 193 33rd Btn Private Germans Captured Armentieres 12/12/1916-Interned Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 3/12/1918
TAYLOR, Newman Wain 1370 48th Btn Private Germans Captured 12/10/1917-Interned Limburg/Dulmen-repatriated Ripon 26/12/1918
TAYLOR, Thomas Edward 5782 14th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt/Bullecourt on 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Heilsberg-Escaped from Heilsburg 3/11/1918 arrived Red Cross London 12/4/1919
TAYLOR, William Henry 794 46th Btn Sergeant Germans Captured Bapaume 17/1/1917-Interned Limburg/Wahn/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 28/12/1918
TAYLOR, William John 3929 4th Btn Private Germans Captured 15/4/1917-Interned Friedrichsfeld/Limburg/Stuttgart-repatriated Dover 1/12/1918
TEAGLE, Percy Davidson 3382 50th Btn Private Germans Reported POW 19/10/1918-repatriated Hull 7/1/1919
TEMBY, Albert Victor 355 16th Btn Lance Corporal Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Soltau transferred Murren Switzerland arrived King George Hospital 3/12/1917
TERRENS, Albert James 956 31st Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 20/7/1916-Died of Wounds 21/7/1916-buried Haubourdin Cemetery near Llie
TERRY, Guy Winston 145 13th Btn Lance Corporal Germans WIA & Captured 11/4/1917 -Interned Soltau/Munster DOW 22/5/1917 at Munster
THARME, Herbert Sampson 3188 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen/Schneidemuhl-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918 arrived London 3/12/1918
THOMAS, Arthur 2882 43rd Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 31/7/1917-Interned Paderborn/Munster-repatriated Leith 15/12/1918
THOMAS, Edward 4607 54th Btn Private Germans Captured Laventie 20/7/1918 held Dulman, Senna repatriated Hull 8/12/1918
THOMAS, George Ralph 2500 48th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 12/10/1917-Interned Soltau-repatriated Holland 13/1/1918 admitted King George Hospital 20/1/1918
THOMAS, Henry Lamert 2466 30th Btn Private Germans Captured 20/7/1916-Interned Wesel/Friedrichsfeld/Munster-Escaped from Meiderick 26/10/1917-arrived Holland 30/10/1917 arrived England 21/11/1917
THOMAS, Herbert Matthew 3461 48th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Passchendale 12/10/1917-Interned Mulheim-repatriated Ripon 22/11/1918
THOMAS, Horatio Curno Sidney 2593 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 25/12/1918
THOMAS, James Stanley 271 14th Btn Sergeant Germans Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Soltau-repatriated Ripon 30/12/1918
THOMAS, John Edward 1442 15th Btn Private Turkish Interned Serai/Afion Kara Hissar-repatriated Dover 8/12/1918
THOMAS, Morley Stuart 667 14th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Hameln/Minden/Munster-repatriated Hull 8/12/1918
THOMAS, Stanley 6035 8th Btn Driver Germans Interned Ohdruf/Langensalza/Hesse-Nassau/Soltau/Hameln transferred to Holland 18/7/1918-arrived England from Holland 1/11/1918 admitted King George Hospital
THOMAS, Tasman Norman 4652 12th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 25/12/1918
THOMAS, Thomas John 1577 32nd Btn Lance Corporal Germans Interned Limburg-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918 arrived London 3/12/1918
THOMAS, Walter John 6829 13th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Gottingen/Friedrichsfeld-Arrived Switzerland 30/8/1918 arrived England 9/12/1918
THOMAS, William 959 31st Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 20/7/1916-Interned Clotilde Douai-Died 22/7/1916-Buried Military Cemetery Douai North
THOMAS, William John 4608 54th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 19/7/1916-DOW 21/7/1916 at Valenciennes-buried Haubourdin Cemetery