CALF, Henry Somerton 1247 16th Btn Lance Corporal Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Parchim-repatriated Leith 6/1/1919
CALLOW, John 2608 51st Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Mouquet Farm 3/9/1916-Interned Dulmen/Geissen/Darmstadt-repatriated as Invalid to Holland 14/4/1918-arrived England 23/10/1918
CALVERT, Hugh 395A 21st Machine Gun Company Private Germans WIA Captured Bugnicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg-Died as POW of Influenza 21/10/1918
CAMDEN, Reginald James 1112 11th Btn Sergeant Germans Captured Langicourt 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Hull 4/1/1919
CAMERON, Clifford 5672 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Ripon 30/121918
CAMERON, Edward Alexander 727 34th Btn Private Germans Captured 7/8/1918-Interned Gustrow-repatriated Dover 22/11/1918
CAMERON, James Kenneth 5369 15th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Munster-Died of Wounds as POW 4/5/1917
CAMPBELL, Alan 558 4th Btn Private Turkish Captured Gallipoli 29/10/1917-Interned Afion-Kara Hisser-recorded as Doied as POW no confirmation
CAMPBELL, Charles Bruce 49th Sqn RFC Lieutenant Germans WIA Captured 29/11/1917-Interned Cambrai Died as POW 29/11/1917
CAMPBELL, Colin Spenser 445 2nd Light Horse Fied Ambulance Trooper Turkish WIA & Captured 25/3/1917-Interned Bapschi/Constantinople-repatriated Dover 2/1/1919
CAMPBELL, David Alexander 594 25th Btn Sergeant Germans WIA Captured 13/11/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Hull 17/12/1918
CAMPBELL, Frank Banister 113 11th Light Horse Trooper Turkish WIA Gaza Captured 19/4/1917-Interned Nazareth-DOW in Hospital
CAMPBELL, George William 2355 28th Btn Private Germans Captured 16/11/1916 Grandcourt-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 30/12/1918
CAMPBELL, Peter Patrick 5669 15th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Leith 15/12/1918
CAMPBELL, Stuart 1526 21st Btn Private Germans Captured 26/8/1916-Interned Munster-repatriated Ripon 26/12/1918
CAMPION, Eric George 6767 35th Btn Private Germans WIA & Interned Lansdorf-repatriated Ripon 30/12/1918
CANAVAN, Charles Peter 3169 52nd Btn Private Germans Interned Grafenwohr-repatriated England 9/12/1916 Military Hospital Millbank
CANE, Arthur Samuel 3221 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen-Died as a POW 23/11/1918
CANN, George William 3751 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld/Gustrow-repatriated Dover 17/12/1918
CAREY, Frank Cyril 1357 32nd Btn Private Germans Captured 9/12/1916-Interned Limburg/Griedrichsfeld-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918
CAREY, James 6473 15th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917 at Riencourt-Interned Limburg-Died as POW 14/8/1917
CAREY, John Pitt RAN AE2 (RN Officer) Lieutenant Turkish Captured 30/4/1915-repatriated London 15/12/1918
CARLIN, Cyril Brooke 2813 3rd Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron Private Turkish WIA & Captured Palestine 1/12/1917-Interned Constantinople-repatriated King George Hospital 23/2/1919
CARLISLE, Robert 5357 15th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
CARLSON, Albert 3724 13th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
CARNE, William Claude Albert 2347 2nd Machine Gun Company Lieutenant Germans Captured 1/9/1918-Interned Rastatt-repatriated Dover 12/12/1918
CARPENTER, Alfred Allan 1926 15th Btn Private Turkish Captured 15/9/1915-Interned Angora-repatriated Dover 16/12/1918