CHATTERTON, Ernest Wetherell 6250 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Stuttgart-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
CHAUNCY, Phillip Henry 1736 4th Btn Private Germans Captured Dernacourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld/Stuttgart-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
CHEATER, William Thomas 7999 RAN AE2 Able Seaman Turkish Captured 30/4/1915-Interned Taranto Hospital
CHEESEMAN, William Emson John 2147 52nd Btn Private Germans Captured Messines 7/6/1917-Interned Wahn/Munster/Hamburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Hull 6/12/1918
CHERRY, Harry Brotherton 1773 14th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Sennelager/ Dulmen/Paderborn-repatriated Hull 17/12/1918
CHESSON, Stanley Mitchell 1434 32nd Btn Private Germans Captured 9/12/1916-Interned Wahn/Limburg/Munster-repatriated Hull 3/12/1918
CHESTER, Walter Maxmillian 4166 11th Btn Lance Corporal Germans WIA Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Lazarett Magdeburg-repatriated Hull 2/1/1919
CHESTER, William Henry 1123 10th Btn Private Germans Captured Pozieres 19/8/1916-Interned Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 3/12/1918
CHEYNE, James 6488 10th Btn Private Germans Captured Prouville 16/4/1917-Limburg/Schniedemuhl-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918
CHINNER, Erich Harding 32nd Btn Lieutenant Germans WIA at Fleurbaix 19/7/1916-Initially conflicting Reports on POW Status. Letter 26/10/1921 advised Died as POW on 19/7/1916 buried Fromelles
CHINNERY, Phillip Isiah 2637 48th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 12/10/1917-Interned Soltau-repatriated Ripon 19/12/1918
CHISHOLM, Donald Victor 4167 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Dover 3/12/1918
CHITTS, Clarence George 5570 23rd Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Langicourt 20/3/1917-Interned Limburg/Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 2/12/1918
CHITTS, Hector Rudolph 1715 14th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Langicourt 11/4/1917-Interned Dulmen-repatriated Hull 7/12/1918
CHOAT, Wesley Paul 68 32nd Btn Private Germans Captured Levante 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen-Escaped to Holland 20/12/1917
CHRISTIAN, Richard Thomas 370 4th Machine Gun Coy Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Dover 9/12/1918
CHRISTIANSEN, Charles 161 44th Btn Private Germans Captured 18/3/1917-Interned Limburg/Gustrow-repatriated Ripon 25/12/1918
CHRISTIE, Charles Albert 2971 47th Btn Private Germans Interned Munster-repatriated England 25/11/1918
CHRISTIE, David McDonald 6966 13th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld/Parchim-repatriated Ripon 18/1/1919
CHRISTMAS, Alfred James 5352 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Friedrichfeld/Gustrow-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
CHUGG, Colin 5669 12th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Gustrow-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
CHURCHER, Lional Stanley 7970 RAN AE2 (Ex RN) Able Seaman Turkish Captured 30/4/1915-repatriated London 11/1/1919
CHURCHMAN, Norman Horace 2346 50th Btn Private Germans Captured 2/4/1917 at Noreuille-Interned Limburg/Gustrow-repatriated Ripon 27/11/1918
CIBICH, George Henry 265 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Hull 2/1/1919
CICOGNANI, Henry Claude 106 13th Field Ambulance Private Germans Captured Mouquet Farm 31/8/1916-Interned Cambrai/Dulmen-repatriated to Holland 16/2/1918 then to England 23/2/1918
CLARE, Albert Ernest 3498 51st Btn Private Germans Captured Somme 3/9/1916-Interned Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 5/12/1918
CLARIDGE, Mervyn Hayward 6086 13th Field Ambulance Private Germans Captured Poziers 31/8/1916-Interned Dulmen-Cambrai-repatriated 23/2/1918 to King George Hospital