JOLLY, Albert Edward 5575 15th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Verdun-Died as a POW 21/4/1917-buried Verden Cemetery
JOLLY, Ernest William 2197 21st Btn Corporal Germans Captured Pozieres 26/8/1916-Interned Cambrai/Dulmen/Soltau/Hameln/Minden-repatriated Hull 17/12/1918 arrived London 19/12/1918
JOLLY, Frank Albert 370A 21st Machine Gun Coy. Private Germans Captured Beaumetz/Oppey 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 14/1/1919
JONES, Albert 3097 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 11/12/1918 arrived London 13/12/1918
JONES, Charles Julius 3338 15th Btn Corporal Germans WIA & Captured Fleurs 1/2/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 26/12/1918
JONES, Daniel 4836 1st Btn Imperial Camel Corps Private Turkish Captured Gaza 19/4/1917-Interned Yarbachi-returned to Australia 3/3/1919
JONES, David 3081 54th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured-Interned Munster/Douai/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 15/12/1918
JONES, David William 4695 18th Btn Private Germans Captured Villers-Bretenoux 15/4/1918-repatriated Ripon 19/12/1918
JONES, Ernest 2910 11th Btn Private Germans Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Stuttgart-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
JONES, Ernest William 6118 11th Btn Private Germans Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Dulmen-repatriated Ripon 23/12/1918
JONES, Francis Frederick 4524 14th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-arrived London 16/1/1919
JONES, Herbert Wynne 4535 15th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Schneidemuhl-repatriated Ripon 25/12/1918
JONES, Jesse 380 23rd Btn Private Germans Captured 20/3/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
JONES, John 2437 48th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Minden/Cassel-repatriated Hull 1/1/1919
JONES, John Copeland Edward 3075 55th Btn Private Germans Interned Dulmen/Munster/Minden-repatriated Dover 2/12/1918
JONES, John Henry 4424 14th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Dulmen/Gustrow/Giessen/Parchim-Arrived England admitted to Putney Military Hospital 10/1/1919
JONES, Leslie Albert 4536 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Boursies 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
JONES, P SS Matunga Able Seaman Germans Interned Gustrow after sinking by German Raider WOLF-arrived London 24/10/1918
JONES, Ralph 5498 14th Btn Corporal Germans WIA & Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Died as a POW Rumacourt 12/4/1917-buried Rumacourt Cemetery
JONES, Samuel Joseph 1197 13th Btn Driver Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918
JONES, Thomas Walker 891 31st Btn Private Germans Captured 20/7/1916-Letters indicate POW-official records to 22/8/1917 are mixed as Missing in Action or Killed in Action
JONES, Walter Edwin 6432 3rd Btn Private Germans Captured Bapaume 2/3/1917-Interned Limburg/Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Dover 2/12/1918
JONES, William Draper 2156 15th Btn Private Turkish Died at Afion Kara Hissar 31/1/1917-buried Armenian Cemetery
JONES, William John 6147 13th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Munster/Dulmen-repatriated Admitted to King George Hospital 26/11/1918
JONSEN, Cris 6043 14th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Dulmen/Merseberg-repatriated Hull 4/1/1919
JORDAN, Stanley Rupert 719-Sergeant 9th Btn Lieutenant Turkish Captured Gallipoli 26/6/1915-Interned Afion Kara Hissar-arrived Alexandria 6/11/1918
JORGENSEN, Henry 411 25th Btn Private Germans Captured Pozieres 29/7/1916-Interned Dulmen/Wahn/Limburg-repatriated Dover 15/12/1918
JOSEPH, Alexander James 6287 15th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Munster/Altdamm-repatriated Ripon 14/12/1918