BATES, Harold William 5332 14th Btn Private Germans Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
BATH, Thomas Joseph 5580 15th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 17/12/1918
BATH, Walter Harris 6629 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Dulmen/Limburg/Gustrow-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
BATTEN, Ernest Gordon 632 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Boursies 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg.-repatriated Dover 19/11/1918
BAUER, Charles Roy 590 26th Btn Corporal Germans WIA & Captured 26/3/1917-Interned Gef Limburg/Dulmen/Soltau Lager-repatriated
BAUER, Oscar 5438 11th Btn Private Germans Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Dover 10/12/1918
BAWDON, Stanlye Harry 2555 50th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Norsuil Somme 2/4/1917-Interned Valenciennes/Limburg/Zerbst-repatriated Hull 2/1/1919
BAWN, George Ignatius Athol 824 26th Btn Private Germans Captured 28/11/1916-Held at Lazarett Gottingen Hannover
BAXTER, John Henry 4011 2nd Tunnelling Coy Sapper Germans Captured Nieport 10/7/1917-Interned Dulmen-repatriated Dover 30/12/1918
BAYES, James Frank 1973 32nd Btn Private Germans Captered Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmem-Escaped Arrived Holland 3/11/1918-Arrived England 19/11/1918
BAYLEE, Frederick 3322 4th Pioneer Btn Private Germans Captured 7/4/1918-Interned Le Quesnoy/Dulmen-arrived Ripon 5/1/1919
BAYLER, John Thomas 5979 15th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Cambrai-Interned Limburg-repatriated Switzerland 27/12/1917 then to King George Hospital 13/11/1918
BAYLER, John Thomas 5979 15th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Cambrai-Interned Limburg-repatriated Switzerland 27/12/1917 then to King George Hospital 13/11/1918
BAZELEY, William 5990 16th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Bapaume-Interned Limburg-repatriated Switzerland 27/12/1917 arrived England 12/12/1918
BEACHAM, Frederick Richard 5781 15th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Cassel/Minden-repatriated Bristol 18/1/1919
BEALES, Norman 5335 14th Btn Private Germans Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 14/12/1918
BEAN, George Jemming 343 4th Machine Gun Coy Private Germans Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Hamelu-repatriated Ripon 14/1/1919
BEATHAM, Walter Henry 337 21st Btn Private Germans Captured-Interned Munster-repatriated Hull 5/12/1918
BEATON, Donald Angus 4937 12th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Prouville 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Dulmen-repatriated Hull 9/12/1918
BEATTIE, Andrew 611 16th Btn Sergeant Germans WIA Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 26/12/1918
BEATTIE, Charles 6466 4th Btn Private Germans Captured Denicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Dover 1/12/1918
BEATTIE, Edward James 4153 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Boursies 16/4/1917-Interned Limburg.-repatriated 1/12/1918
BEATTIE, John Irving 1827 15th Btn Private Turkish WIA Captured 8/8/1915-Interned Angora/Bilimedik-repatriated Alexandria 6/1/1918
BEATTIE, Robert Murdock 11th Btn Lieutenant Germans Captured Langicourt 16/4/1917-Interned Hanover/Strohen/Karlsruhe-repatriated Ripon 1/1/1919
BECK, Alfred William 4434 10th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured 19/8/1916-Interned at a number of Camps-Escaped-repatriated Dover 5/12/1918
BECK, Cedric Arthur Roy 4435 10th Btn Private Germans Captured 7/10/1916-Held Munster-Repatriated 5/12/1918
BECKHOUSE, Albert Victor 5799 4th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Hermies 15/4/1917-Interned Hospital Ohrdruf-repatriated Ripon 21/12/1918
BECKMAN, Idrice 2624A 47th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Messines 7/6/1917-Interned Grafenwohr-repatriated Dover 21/12/1918