BEEVERS, Walter Arthur 6331 11th Btn Private Germans Captured Prouville 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Ripon 22/11/1918
BEGG, Frederick James 5668 16th Btn Private Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Stargaard-repatriated Leith 3/12/1918
BELL, Eric Walter 1304 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen-repatriated Hull 28/11/1918
BELL, Frederick Arthur 3419 16th Btn Private Germans Captured-Escaped Wounded 8/9/1917 Died as POW 9/9/1917
BELL, Frederick George 5669 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Riencourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 18/12/1918
BELL, George David William 605 16th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Bapaume 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-Arrived England 13/5/1918 King George Hospital
BELL, Harry 3264 11th Btn Corporal Germans WIA Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Hilfs Laz Hohenzollern Park-repatriated Leith 3/1/1919 16/1/1919
BELL, Henry George 1516 17th Btn Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 25/12/1918
BELL, James Foster 1407 2nd Tunnelling Coy Sapper Germans Captured 10/4/1917 at Bullecourt-Intered Limburg-repatriated Dover 30/12/1918
BELL, John Robert 6232 4th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Boursies 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Ripon 18/1/1919
BELL, John Thomas 34 22nd Btn Private Germans Captured Le Sare 16/8/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Hull 28/11/1918
BELL, Stephen Thomas 8272 RAN AE2 (ex-RN) Chief Engineroom Artificer Turkish Interned Afion Kara Hissar then Belemedick-returned to Australia
BELLGROVE, George Henry 5342 16th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friefrichfeld-repatriated Leith 15/12/1918
BENECKE, Alfred Cecil 2624 47th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Dernacourt 5/4/1918-repatriated Dover 11/12/1918
BENN, Norman Saccy 5334 14th Btn Private Germans Captered Hindenburg line 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Calais arrived Dover 1/12/1918
BENNETT, Frederick Charles 4082 25th Btn Private Germans Captured Pozieres 23/7/1916-Intered Dulmen/Stammlager Rhineland-repatriated Hull 7/12/1918
BENNETT, John 2779 30th Btn Private Germans Captured 17/3/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated 30/12/1918
BENNETT, Patrick Thomas 2376 50th Btn Private Germans Captured Moreuil 2/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichfeld-repatriated Hull 1/1/1919
BENSON, Claude Corderoy 2332 13th Btn Lance Corporal Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg-escaped to Holland arrived England 4/10/1918
BENSON, James Elias 5978 13th Btn Private Germans WIA Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Wahn/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Leith 1/12/1918
BENSON, William James 236 16th Btn Sergeant Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Hull 9/1/1919
BERCOVITCH, S 1104 1st King Edwards Horse L/CPL Germans Captured 9/4/1918-Interned Dulmen-repatriated to Hull 29/11/1918
BERESFORD, Charles George 4461 51st Btn Private Germans Captured 3/9/1916-Interned Gottingen/Murren-repatriated England 9/12/1918
BERESFORD, John James 6473 13th Btn Corporal Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 19/12/1918
BERESFORD, Marcus Poer de la 45th Field Artillrty Brigade 2nd LT Germans Captured 27/5/1918-Interned Straisund
BERGER, Bernard Charles Ernest 3413 47th Btn Private Germans Captured 5/4/1918-repatriated 30/11/1918
BERGIN, Arthur 3362 52nd Btn Private Germans WIA Dernancourt 5/4/1918-DOW as a POW Flempleux la Fosse 9/4/1918