MURRAY, Christopher Walton 3735 47th Btn Private Germans Captured 5/4/1918-Interned Gustrow-repatriated Dover 6/12/1918
MURRAY, Dick Clifford 3883 55th Btn Private Germans Captured Fleurbaix 20/7/1916-Interned Dulmen/Munster-repatriated Hull 5/12/1918
MURRAY, Hugh Miller 2877 3rd Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 2/3/1917-Interned Cambrai/Limburg/Dulmen-repatriated Hull 8/12/1918
MURRAY, John 6773 13th Btn Private Germans Captured Hebuterne near Sailly 11/4/1917-Interned Friedrichfeld-repatriated Dover 27/11/1918
MURRAY, John Edwin 6188 18th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 15/4/1918-repatriated Ripon 16/12/1918
MURRAY, Robert Henry 1673 15th Btn Sergeant Germans WIA & Captured-Interned Soltau-Died Bavarian Field Hospital 15/4/1917-buried Valenciennes Cemetery
MURRAY, W SS Wairuna Private Germans Captured after being sunk by the German Raider WOLF-Interned Gustrow
MURRAY, William 3593A 52nd Btn Sergeant Germans WIA & Captured 9/4/1918-Died Valenciennes 19/5/1917-buried Valenciennes Cemetery
MUSGROVE, Allan 5162 11th Btn Private Germans Captured 16/4/1917-Interned Munster/Paderborn-admitted Fulham 19/12/1918
MYERS, Frederick Albert Charles 4th Machine Gun Btn Lieutenant Germans WIA & Captured 6/4/1918-arrived England 3/12/1918
MYERS, John Archibald 2737 53rd Btn Private Germans Interned Dulmen/Schneidemuhl-arrived Dover 18/12/1918
MYLES, John Kenneth 2875 45th Btn Corporal Germans WIA & Captured 5/4/1918-Died Valenciennes 11/5/1918-buried Valenciennes Cemetery
NAIRN, William Fred 3563 10th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Pozieres 21/8/1916-Died as a POW of Sepsis at Grafenwohr 21/9/1916
NAISBIT, John Christopher 2040 48th Btn Sapper Germans Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Wahn/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Hull 11/1/1919
NALEY, Gordon Charles 1310 16th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured 11/4/1917 Bapaume-Interned Limburg/Zerbst/Gardelegen-repatriated Leith 6/1/1919
NANCARROW, John 1306 Electrical & Mechanical Mining & Boring Company Corporal Germans Captured Givenchy 18/4/1918-Interned Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Dover 28/11/1918
NAPPER, Arthur Louis 6117 19th Btn Private Germans Captured 3/6/1917-Interned Dulmen/Gustrow/Parchim-repatriated Hull 11/1/1919
NASH, Charles Buxton 1865 58th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Armentieres 18/9/1916-DOW as a POW Haubourdin 18/9/1916
NASH, Ernest Matthew 4357 51st Btn Private Germans Captured Mouquet Farm 3/9/1916-Interned Cambrai/Dulmen/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Hull 29/11/1918
NASH, George Henry 8056 RAN AE2 Leading Seaman Turkish Captured 30/4/1916-Interned Belemedik-repatriated London 1918
NASH, Herbert Victor 6426 3rd Btn Private Germans Captured Bapaume 2/3/1917-Interned Limburg-repatriated Dover 2/12/1918
NASH, Raymond Henry 1976B 5th Machine Gun Coy Private Germans Captured Langicourt 15/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 23/12/1918
NATTRASS, Ernest Albion 1732 47th Btn Corporal Germans WIA & Captured 11/4/1917-Interned Soltau-transferred to Switzerland 28/11/1917 arrived London & admitted to King George Hospital 14/6/1918
NEAL, Francis James 5422 14th Btn Private Germans WIA & Captured Bullecourt 11/4/1917-Interned Bergkasserne/Munster-repatriated Engaland to Bagthorpe Hospital Nottingham 7/1/1918
NEALE, Frederick William 2444 59th Btn Private Germans Captured 3/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Dover 19/12/1918
NEANDER, Charles George 2877 46th Btn Corporal Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Limburg/Friedrichsfeld-repatriated Ripon 15/12/1918
NEATE, Alfred Jaa 5738 13th Btn Private Germans Captured Reincourt 11/4/1917-Interned Lille/Dulmen/Heilsbury-repatriated Hull 9/12/1918