VEITCH, GEORGE LAURISTON NX32481 2/18 INFBn Lance Corporal Japanese Held Blakang Mati Island Malaya RTA
VELLACOTT, GEOFFREY WILLIAM NX43665 13 AGH Lance Corporal Japanese "F" Force Died Thailand 19/12/1943
VENEMORE, NORMAN JAMES WX9292 2/4 MG BTN Private Japanese Drowned 14/9/1944 when Rakuyo Maru was sunk
VENNING, FRANK OSMOND NGX486 New Guinea Volunteer Rifles Private Japanese Died 1/7/1942 upon sinking of Montevideo Maru by the USS Sturgeon
VEREY, HAROLD GEORGE 261029 RAAF HQ Darwin Flying Officer Japanese Executed Ambon Netherlands East Indies 6/2/1942
VERNEY, WILLIAM CHARLES NX52877 HQ 22 Brigade Private Japanese Drowned 14/9/1944 when Rakuyo Maru was sunk
VERON, FRANCIS GEORGE NX21978 2/13 INFBn Private ITALIAN Held Iscaro, Campo 59 & Campo 106 escaped to Switzerland RTA
VERRAN, CRAWFORD ROSS VX12339 2/7 INFBn Private GERMAN Captured Greece held Stalag XVIIIA POW number 3303 RTA
VERRENDER, GEORGE DOUGLAS NX34624 2 Coy AASC Private Japanese Died Thailand 15/10/1943 Upper Sonkurai
VETTER, JOHN IRWIN 16954 RAAF 42 Sqn Flight Sergeant Japanese Died Java Netherlands East Indies 6/2/1945-Beheaded by Captors at Tandjoengprick 6/2/1945
VIANT, WALTER LEONARD NX55829 2/12 Field Ambulance Private Japanese "Gull Force" held Ambon Netherlands East Indies RTA
VICKERS, JAMES ARTHUR VX59658 HQ 27 INF Brigade Private Japanese "A" Force held Thailand Rakuyo Maru Survivor of sinking by USS Pampanito RTA